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My Thoughts on 2024


Looking Back on 2024


As 2024 draws to a close, I like to reflect on the issues facing the residents of Timiskaming-Cochrane. Premier Ford is once again mired in scandal. His government has leased the Ontario Place site to an Austrian Spa company for 95 years. This project has already cost 2 billion dollars, which equals $400 for every household in Ontario, including Timiskaming Cochrane. This project is representative of a government that’s fixated on costly schemes while ignoring the issues that people want their taxes to pay for: affordable housing, access to a doctor, good public education, and safe roads.


I have a unique role as an opposition MPP. While it is my job to hold the government to account, as opposition house leader it is also my role to work with the government to help the legislature function. That role, along with relationships with municipal representatives and other groups can foster solutions for issues in the riding. This year, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and I worked closely together to resolve the impasse with the Council of Black River Matheson. We are still working to find ways to ensure new settlements in unorganized municipalities are safe and do not place undue hardships on surrounding municipal infrastructure.


Stable hospital funding continues to be a major concern for most hospitals. Due to the diligence of our local hospital teams, there have been virtually no ER closures compared to the rest of the province, but access to doctors and other health professionals remains a serious issue in the riding. While I fundamentally disagree with the overall approach of the government, I do work with the Minister of Health, and I recognize when programs help our area. Congratulations to the Cochrane Family Health Team for getting an internationally trained doctor through the Practice Ready Assessment Program.


More recently, mayors, and councils across the province were shocked by skyrocketing policing bills. Our combined efforts on this issue resulted in the Solicitor General’s announcement of increased funding to offset the higher costs. This is just one example of municipalities being forced to raise taxes or cut services beyond their control. Past provincial highway downloads like Municipal Road in Iroquois Falls continues to cause strain on municipalities. The NDP has committed to take back those roads and we will continue to push that the current government makes the same commitment.


Finally, highway safety continues to be a top concern for everyone in the riding. We don’t have access to public transportation, the highway is our main street. We fully support the people on the front lines, contractors, police, first responders, but the Minister of Transportation’s claim that we have the safest roads in North America does not ring true in the North. The government seems unable to ensure that everyone who is granted a provincial driver’s license is capable of driving safely. I will continue to be relentless on this issue along with my NDP colleagues.


My staff deals with individual issues every day and although we can’t solve them all, we guarantee to try. The government’s decision to hold shortened legislative sessions has had one benefit. It has given us the chance to hold more community clinics throughout the riding where I was able to hear your concerns face-to-face.

It remains an honour to serve as your MPP. On behalf of my family and staff, I wish you and yours Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.



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